More about Montessori


Dr Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870. She began her profession not as an educator, but as a doctor of medicine. After extensive experience in private practice, hospital work and research she undertook further studies in education, philosophy, psychology and anthropology, as a basis for her growing commitment to education.

At the age of 37 she took responsibility for a group of underprivileged children in the San Lorenzo district of Rome - founding her first Children's House (Casa dei Bambini). Her unique approach to these children lead to surprising results.

She observed that when previously unruly children were provided with experiences which corresponded to their stage of development, they easily become absorbed in purposeful activities. Challenging activities engendered greater interest than toys. The children generally wished to do things for themselves and were less interested in rewards given for working than in the activity itself. This seemed to her an inherent characteristic of the child. She came to believe that the child's education should proceed in such a way as to provide an environment in which the spontaneous activity of the child would be left free to manifest itself.

Maria Montessori placed a great deal of emphasis on the child's absorbent mind. She believed the first six years to be absolutely the most vital in the child's development. The role of the parent therefore is not to be underestimated.

You should also create a stimulating environment to bring about early learning, which begins from the moment of birth and occurs most easily during the early years, help him build a rich and rewarding inner life and, last but not least, help him assimilate his own culture and develop respect for other cultures.

You must also provide the daily care to ensure a healthy and safe life. Another role is to help your child construct his unique personality you must be flexibly enough not to impose your own personality and wil upon him. Yet another is to encourage the development of independence, to allow freedom within clearly defined limits and to promote the child's good self-image and feeling of security.